Tom Darrow, Founder and Principal Talent Connections, LLC and Career Spa, LLC Founder of Talent Connections and Career Spa. Talent Connections is a
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Joyce Auskelis, DefiningNEXT, LLC Founder and Chief Transition Strategist Career and academic coaching for young people Joyce Auskelis is the founder and Chief
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Yura Bryant Entrepreneurial Ambitions/ Entrepreneurial Development Yura Bryant is an Entrepreneur Strategist at The Symmetry Firm, an entrepreneurial development and business strategy company.
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Dr. Susan P. Gilbert Dean of the Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics About the Eugene W. Stetson School of Business
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Jim Deupree, President ChapterTwo® Career Strategy Consulting Being in the drivers seat for your career …. with a ten-year strategy ….
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Joellyn ‘Joey’ Sargent, CEO Claravon Group & founder of Solopreneur School It’s Your Time to Thrive! Build a thriving business as a solo
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